World Recipes from Wales - The Melting Pot
Awdur: Maggie Ogunbanwo
ISBN: 9781914079092
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: 04 Chwefror 2021
Cyhoeddwr: Graffeg
Darluniwyd gan Huw Jones
Fformat: Clawr Caled, 150x150 mm, 160 tudalen
Iaith: Saesneg
Dathliad o ryseitiau amrywiol gan aelodau cymunedau ethnig lleiafrifol a geir yn y gyfrol hon. Cynhwysir casgliad o 30 o ryseitiau yn tynnu ynghyd flasau a thraddodiadau ar draws y byd, o Bali i Zimbabwe. Cofnodir y straeon y tu cefn i'r prydau, gan gydnabod bod bwyd yn iaith ryngwladol, gyffredinol, drwy'r hon y gallwn oll gyfathrebu a rhannu â'n gilydd.
Darparwyd yr isod gan y Cyhoeddwr:
Bywgraffiad Awdur:
Maggie Ogunbanwo's Maggie's: An African Twist to Your Everyday Dish operates from The Red Lion in the village of Penygroes in North Wales, surrounded by the beautiful Snowdonia countryside. Its roots, however, are deep in African soil, passed down through generations of instinctive but highly gifted culinary masters. Maggie's influences flow from her mam and nain (mum and grandmother in Welsh) and are
extended through contact with and work in environments with West
Indian, Caribbean, Indian, Italian, Mediterranean and Latino foods. They continue to grow and meld, with an additional Welsh touch added to the mix, widening Maggie's international scope to tantalise a range of taste buds. As well as her passion for food and cooking, Maggie is committed to the quality and support of local providers.
Huw Jones is a food photography specialist based in Newport, South
Wales. His specifically designed studio is amongst the best equipped
in the UK, with all dishes prepared and photographed on site using the
highest-standard industry equipment. Huw's stunning images showcase
Gilli Davies's recipes in the Graffeg's Flavours of Wales and Flavours of England series, as well as the range of seasonal cookbooks from Angela Gray's Cookery School.