CLUDIANT AM DDIM DROS £45 | 01239 621370
Awdur: Anne Cakebread
ISBN: 9781800990326
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: 05 Gorffennaf 2021
Cyhoeddwr: Y Lolfa
Darluniwyd gan Anne Cakebread
Fformat: Clawr Meddal, 148x106 mm, 112 tudalen
Iaith: Saesneg
Golwg ysgafn ar ddysgu Ffrangeg ac ar ymarfer yr iaith gyda'ch cyfaill blewog gorau, a hynny drwy gyfrwng cyfrol llawn lluniau hwyliog a 60 o eiriau ac ymadroddion defnyddiol.
Darparwyd yr isod gan y Cyhoeddwr:
Bywgraffiad Awdur:
Anne Cakebread is a freelance illustrator with over 20 years’ experience in publishing and TV, including cover art and illustrations for numerous books and magazines, artwork for adverts and set/prop design for TV. She grew up in Cardiff but now manages Canfas art gallery in Cardigan and lives in St Dogmaels, where she spends her free time painting the stunning Pembrokeshire coast. She is the author of the bestselling Teach Your Dog Welsh.
Gwybodaeth Bellach:
A light-hearted, fully-illustrated retro-style picture book with 60+ words and phrases for you to practise your French with your furry best friend.
Suitable as a first introduction to French for learners of all ages: for adults who would like a fun way to pick up a few basic words for when visiting France, or for children, who will love the cute pictures. Many of the words and phrases can also be used in non dog-related situations!
Anne Cakebread’s first book in this series, Teach Your Dog Welsh, was W H Smiths’ Book of the Month and has so far been the Books Council of Wales’ monthly No.1 bestseller eight times.