CLUDIANT AM DDIM DROS £45 | 01239 621370
Awdur: Angela Johnson
ISBN: 9781913853006
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: 23 Medi 2020
Cyhoeddwr: Black Bee Books Ltd
Golygwyd gan Seonaid Francis
Fformat: Clawr Meddal, 198x129 mm, 240 tudalen
Iaith: Saesneg
Mae bywyd wedi bod yn hawdd i Arianwen. Bywyd cyffredin ydyw, mewn cwm cudd yng ngorllewin Cymru yn ystod hanner cyntaf yr 20fed ganrif; un wedi'i lenwi â phleserau bychain sy'n gymorth i oddef trasedïau bywyd. Ond mewn byd sy'n newid yn gyflym, rhaid i Arianwen ddysgu addasu; goddefgarwch ac amynedd fydd yn ei chario drwy adfyd.
Darparwyd yr isod gan y Cyhoeddwr:
Bywgraffiad Awdur:
Angela Johnson was born in West Wales, and is a Welsh speaker. Her work is often inspired by the Welsh countryside, and the characters she knew in childhood, and the tales they told.
In a previous incarnation she was an English teacher and taught in a number of schools in the South East of England She then studied Creative Writing at the University of Kent.
Her novel ‘Harriet and her Women’ was shortlisted for the Impress Prize for Fiction, and she has won the Poetry Prize at the Folkestone Arts Festival.
She lives in Kent, enjoys travelling to look at birds and plants in exotic places, and is a passionate environmentalist, and, latterly, is spending too much time fulminating about politics.