CLUDIANT AM DDIM DROS £45 | 01239 621370
ISBN: 9781909823624
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: Ebrill 2015
Cyhoeddwr: Graffeg, Caerdydd
Darluniwyd gan Sue Shields
Fformat: Poster, 700x500 mm, 1 tudalen
Iaith: Saesneg
Poster o un o gerddi mwyaf poblogaidd Dylan Thomas, 'Fern Hill', gyda darlun lliw-llawn gan Sue Shields yn gefndir. Rhan o gyfres o bosteri a ailgyhoeddir sy'n talu teyrnged i farddoniaeth Gymraeg a barddoniaeth Saesneg o Gymru.
This poster poem of Fern Hill by Dylan Thomas is one of a series first published by the Welsh Arts Council in the 1970s. Graffeg is republishing this popular poster series illustrated by Sue Shields, paying homage to Welsh poetry. The full poem by Dylan Thomas is printed on the poster.