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Finding Wales - Reflections of Returning Exiles

Peter Daniels

Finding Wales - Reflections of Returning Exiles

Pris arferol £9.99
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Treth yn gynwysedig. Cyfrif cludiant yn y man talu.

Awdur: Peter Daniels
ISBN: 9781784614454
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: 25 Awst 2017
Cyhoeddwr: Y Lolfa, Tal-y-bont
Fformat: Clawr Meddal, 215x140 mm, 192 tudalen
Iaith: Saesneg
 Llyfr Saesneg y Mis: Medi 2017
Golwg mewn dyfnder gan awdur In Search of Welshness ar gyflwr y genedl Gymreig, ar hunaniaeth cenedlaethol y Cymry ac ar yr hyn sy'n ysgogi'r awydd ymhlith alltudion i ailddarganfod eu gwreiddiau ac i ddychwelyd adref. 29 ffotograff.
Bywgraffiad Awdur:
Peter Daniels grew up in Llanelli and studied Economics and International Politics at University College of Wales, Aberystwyth. As a Welsh exile in England, he had a successful career in marketing, advertising and market research, but the strong ties he retained with his homeland through the London Welsh RFC and the London Welsh Association have led to a fascination with national identity, especially amongst those who have lived outside Wales.
Gwybodaeth Bellach:
What is it that drives so many Welsh exiles to return to their homeland later in life? Is it family responsibilities or economic necessity? Or is it love of the very land itself, nostalgia, longing for Welsh community life, its language and culture, its socialist values? Or is there something even more mysterious at work - the indefinable, intangible sentiment summed up by the Welsh word hiraeth?
This new book by Peter Daniels sets out to answer those questions as the author explores the attitudes and motivations of a group of exiles who have returned to live in Wales to rediscover their roots.