Happy Beans - Plant-Based Recipes
Awdur: Jane Reynolds
ISBN: 9781913134273
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: 17 Medi 2020
Cyhoeddwr: Graffeg, Llangennench
Darluniwyd gan Huw Jones
Fformat: Clawr Caled, 150x150 mm, 160 tudalen
Iaith: Saesneg
Casgliad o ryseitiau gan Jane Reynolds, sef detholiad o brydau fegan amgen ar gyfer y teulu oll. Ceir dros 40 o ryseitiau amrywiol, yn cynnwys cyrsiau cyntaf, cawliau a phwdinau, sawsiau a chatwadau/piclau. Dyma gyflwyniad hygyrch i'r defnydd o gynhwysion a dulliau dyfeisgar wrth baratoi seigiau traddodiadol.
Darparwyd yr isod gan y Cyhoeddwr:
Bywgraffiad Awdur:
Jane Reynolds has worked variously in catering and hospitality. This is her first cookbook.
Huw Jones is a food photography specialist based in Newport, south Wales. His specifically designed studio is among the best equipped in the UK, with all dishes prepared and photographed on site using the highest standard industry equipment. His stunning images also complement Gilli's recipes in Graffeg's Flavours of Wales and Flavours of England series, and the range of seasonal cookbooks from Angela Gray's Cookery School.
Gwybodaeth Bellach:
Encompassing starters, mains and desserts, from warming soups and pasties to fresh salads, rich pastas, classic dessert pies and and crumbles, as well as breads, sauces and chutneys, these accessible recipes have been created to appeal to the tastes of both vegans and non-vegans alike.
Each dish represents the delicious possibilities of plant-based cooking for new or experimenting vegans, as well as for anyone eager to change up their weekly menu. Built on the principle that all meals should be nutritious, filling and satisfying, this cookbook brings innovative new ingredients and methods to traditional dishes.