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Llanilltud - The Story of a Celtic Christian Community

Philip Morris

Llanilltud - The Story of a Celtic Christian Community

Pris arferol £9.99
Pris Uned  per 
Treth yn gynwysedig. Cyfrif cludiant yn y man talu.

Awdur: Philip Morris

ISBN: 9781784617530 
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: 03 Awst 2020
Cyhoeddwr: Y Lolfa, Tal-y-bont
Fformat: Clawr Meddal, 215x142 mm, 192 tudalen
Iaith: Saesneg

Yn ganolfan dysg ganoloesol hynaf a phwysicaf gorllewin Ewrop, llewyrchodd mynachlog Sant Illtud ac Ysgol Llanilltud Fawr yn ne Cymru rhwng c.500 AD hyd at y Diwygiad. Dyma'r gyfrol gyntaf sy'n olrhain hanes y gymuned Geltaidd Gristnogol yno - un o'r straeon pennaf yn hanes Prydain nas adroddwyd hyd yma. 28 llun lliw, 6 map ac un cynllun.

Darparwyd yr isod gan y Cyhoeddwr:
Tabl Cynnwys:

The parish has a saint’s name time cannot unfrock (R.S.Thomas)

Chapter 1 Llanilltud before St Illtud 2000 B.C.-490 A.D.
Neolithic and Iron Age - The ‘Celts’ – Hill forts – the Romans – Caermead Roman villa – Caerwent and the first Christians in south Wales – early episcopal oversight – Germanus and the Pelagian heresy – the tradition of monasticism

Chapter 2 The Life of St Illtud
Sources for the Life of St Illtud – the life of St Illtud

Chapter 3 Llanilltud in the 6th century
‘Celtic Christianity’ – the site of Llanilltud – the monastic school and its pupils – the ‘llan’ of Llanilltud – the appointment of the Abbot – the spirituality of the monastery – daily life – pilgrimage

Chapter 4 Llanilltud from 7th–11th century
The Welsh Church – Abbots of Llanilltud – Life at Llanilltud – Spirituality – The Vikings

Chapter 5 Llanilltud and the Norman Conquest
1066 and all that – Llanilltud and the Diocese of Llandaff – The building of St Illtud’s Church – The ‘Cult’ of St Illtud

Chapter 6 Llanilltud from the 13th century to the Reformation
The extension of St Illtud’s Church – ‘The College of Llantwit Major’ – The ‘Monastic buildings’ – The Raglan Chantry – The Reformation

Chapter 7 Keeping the memory of Llanilltud alive 17th–21st century
The Revd Dr David Nichols - John Wesley – Iolo Morganwg – Benjamin Heath Malkin - Archaeologia Cambrensis – Alfred Fryer – Restoration – The Galilee Chapel




Bywgraffiad Awdur:
Brought up in Cardiff, Philip Morris has had a long career in the Church in Wales and recently retired as the Archdeacon of Margam. He has lived in Llantwit Major for many years, and his interest in this topic goes back to his MPhil in early medieval spirituality.

Gwybodaeth Bellach:
It is difficult to believe that a scholarly and critical in-depth study of such an important site has not been attempted before. This book has now plugged that gap splendidly.
Not Oxford, not Cambridge, but Llantwit Major (Llanilltud Fawr in Welsh) is probably the site of Britain’s oldest centre of learning, having been founded in the late fifth century. Scholars of church history have called it ‘the Christian axis of the Celtic-speaking peoples’ and ‘the University of the Atlantic of the Celtic period’, and the monastic community there became significant in medieval western Europe in the sixth century.
For the first time, this book provides a history of St Illtud’s monastery and school. It focuses on the development of the early monastic community in the context of the Celtic Christian tradition, but also looks at developments on the site over the next 1,000 years until the Reformation, and at how the Celtic tradition and memory of the early Llanilltud community have been kept alive since then.
A scholarly and analytical study, yet written in an engaging and highly readable style.