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Out of the Shadows - A History of Women in Twentieth-Century Wales

Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru

Out of the Shadows - A History of Women in Twentieth-Century Wales

Pris arferol £14.99
Pris Uned  per 
Treth yn gynwysedig. Cyfrif cludiant yn y man talu.

Awdur: Deirdre Beddoe
ISBN: 9780708315910
Dyddiad Cyhoeddi: 24 Ionawr 2019
Cyhoeddwr: Gwasg Prifysgol Cymru / University of Wales Press, Caerdydd
Fformat: Clawr Meddal, 233x155 mm, 216 tudalen
Iaith: Saesneg
Hanes hynod ddiddorol o'r newidiadau syfrdanol ym mywyd gwragedd yng Nghymru yn ystod yr ugeinfed ganrif, ym meysydd addysg ac iechyd, bywyd y cartref a hamdden, gwaith a gwleidyddiaeth, gan adlewyrchu gwaith ymchwil helaeth a manwl gan hanesydd uchel ei pharch. 24 llun du-a-gwyn. Cyhoeddwyd gyntaf yn Hydref 2000, gydag ail argraffiad yn Ebrill 2001.
Gwybodaeth Bellach:
Out of the Shadows reveals the fascinating story of women’s lives in Wales during the twentieth century. In this major contribution to the gendered history of Wales, Deirdre Beddoe draws on wide-ranging historical sources, including extensive archival research, to illuminate key areas of women’s lives – education, health, home life, leisure, politics and waged work. Moreover, this comprehensive study pays attention to regional variations and differing linguistic and cultural traditions and thus offers a pluralist and inclusive vision of Welsh women’s identity. In a style that is both lively and learned, Deirdre Beddoe reconstructs the everyday experiences of ordinary women and reassesses the contributions of a number of hitherto neglected female pioneers in a whole range of social and political movements.
This ground-breaking yet accessible text is accompanied by a good selection of illustrations. Out of the Shadows will be essential reading not only for students and teachers of women’s history, but for all those interested in women’s history in general and the history of Wales in particular.
Deirdre Beddoe is Emeritus Professor of Women’s History at the University of Glamorgan. She is also a broadcaster and the author of several books on women’s history, including Welsh Convict Women, Discovering Women’s History: A Practical Manual and Back to Home and Duty: Women in Britain Between the Wars.