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ISBN: 9781908574367
Publication Date: October 2012
Publisher: Atebol, Aberystwyth
Format: Game, 284x363 mm
Language: Bilingual (Welsh and English)
Learn Addition. There is one arithmetic problem on each piece. Solve the problem and place the piece by its correct answer. The piece will not fit if the answer is wrong. 81 piece jigsaw.
Pos addysgol sy'n meithrin sgiliau rhifedd. Cyfle ymarferol i ddysgu adio. Mae problem fathemategol ar bob darn gyda chyfle i ddatrys y broblem ... a gosod y darn yn y lle cywir. Ni fydd y darn yn ffitio os na fydd yr ateb yn gywir. 81 o ddarnau jigso.