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Bro a Bywyd: Kyffin Williams - His Life, his Land

Cyhoeddiadau Barddas

Bro a Bywyd: Kyffin Williams - His Life, his Land

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ISBN: 9781911584087

Publication Date: 16 February 2018

Publisher: Cyhoeddiadau Barddas, Swansea

Edited by David Meredith

Format: Paperback, 185x240 mm, 168 pages

Language: Bilingual (Welsh and English)

This new edition of the extremely popular illustrated volume in the 'Bro a Bywyd' series is published to coincide with the centenary of Kyffin Williams' birth - a sincere portrait in words and pictures of the inspired artist. ISBN of first edition: 9781906396046

The following has been provided by the Publisher:

Table of Contents:


Early Times

Shrewsbury School

Joining the Army

To College, To the Slade


To the Continent - painting abroad

Teacher at Highgate School, London


Kyffin's Haven, Pwllfanogl

Kyffin and Oriel Mon

His Beloved Anglesey

Kyffin the Cartoonist

Kyffin's designs and influence

Kyffin, an Inspiration and Portrait Artist

Kyffin and the Welsh Language


Supporting the Arts

Museums and Galleries

Celebrating his Eightieth Birthday

Conquering Venice

Y Cambrian

Author Biography:

David Meredith is Chair of The Sir Kiffin Williams Trust, and his longstading friendship with the famous artist has lead to notable publications, including a bilingual biography, Obsessed which he wrote with John Smimth (Gomer, 2012) and Golau ar y Gamlas/ Drawn to the Light (Kyffin Williams in Venice) (Anglesey County Council, 2013)

Further Information:

'John Kyffin Williams was Wales' greatest artist. During the thirty five years that I knew him, he never ceased to amaze me with his perserverance, his determination and his discipline in his chosen profession of 'making a living by painting.' (David Meredith, editor)
