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Bwyta'n Iach gyda Heini ( Healthy Living Jigsaw - Welsh)


Bwyta'n Iach gyda Heini ( Healthy Living Jigsaw - Welsh)

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ISBN: 9781907004971
Publication Date: July 2011
Publisher: Atebol, Aberystwyth
Illustrated by Ceri Jones
Format: Game, 360x285 mm
Language: Welsh

A jig-saw puzzle to challenge young children centered around Heini from the popular children's programme Cyw (S4C). An educational puzzle designed to promote an awareness of different fruits and vegetables. A publication designed for bilingual settings.

Jig-so am y cymeriad poblogaidd Heini sydd i'w gweld ar Cyw (S4C). Mae'r pos addysgol hwn wedi'i gynllunio er mwyn dysgu enwau ffrwythau a llysiau - man cychwyn i fwyta'n iach! Mae'r pos heriol hwn yn cynnwys 50 o ddarnau.
