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Author: Tania ap Siôn
ISBN: 9781853571879
Publication Date: 30 April 2008
Publisher: Canolfan Genedlaethol Addysg Grefyddol, Bangor
Illustrated by Phillip Vernon
Adapted/Translated by Nant Roberts.
Suitable for age 7-9+ or Key Stage 2
Format: Paperback, 244x168 mm, 32 pages
Language: Welsh
Rhys and Sara explore Sikhism with their Sikh friends, Sanjit and Yasmin. Sanjit and Yasmin take them both to meet a very important teacher and guide called Guru Granth Sahib. However, the guru is not quite what Rees and Sara expected! Rees and Sara are drawn further into the exciting world of Sikhism - a world struggling for truth, justice and fairness for all.